In the film “Revolution 21” we are introduced to Theatre 21, a Warsaw-based professional theatre group which has been staging performances for the last 17 years. Founded by Justyna Sobczyk, a theatre teacher and director, it consists solely of actors with Down syndrome. They start work on a new performance entitled “A Revolution Which Never Was There”, using the protest of the disabled in Polish parliament as their inspiration. Able-bodied actors are also invited to take part in the performance. Nobody receives any special treatment. Full commitment is required from each member of the cast, everyone is treated equally. The work model in Teatr 21 is very innovative. Most of the rehearsals rely on acting improvisations on the subject set by the director (revolution, sexuality, independence, political cabaret, rehabilitation, etc.), accompanied by live music written by the band POKUSA. This working process arouses heated discussions between the actors on the subject of nudity on stage, the involvement of theatre in politics, the limits of privacy and the courage to ridicule themselves on stage.